Still Here

I know I haven’t written in a while, but I wanted my readers to know that I occasionally look at my site and have been reading many articles online about Climate change worldwide.

It is not a hoax as some had said. Mankind is the disease on planet earth, and if we do not come to better understand our environment, we are going to eventually kill ourselves off.

With mankind gone, our planet can rebuild itself. It has done it before.

I recently read a cliff notes version of the Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert, (was actually glad I hadn’t read the whole book, it didn’t discuss everything I thought it would).in her book she speaks about all the animals that mankind is killing off, and how many of these species are critical to man’s survival on the earth.

In part of our world, Man killed off the bees and was unaware that it is the bees who pollinate many of our plants, and without them, our food can’t grow. Hence we will die, so man is bringing back the bees in many parts of the world.

You’d think with since mankind has been on this planet for ten-thousand or so years, he’d know more by now about his environment, but apparently he does not!

I found it funny a couple of days ago it was 90 degrees in Denver, then the next day it snowed?

We have a lot to learn!

Understanding Trump

As a public person, I think Trump is hideous at times!

At other times he tends to say things sounding racist.

Trump is cocky, egotistical, full of himself, and a narcissist.

Trump’s behavior at times resembles that of a child – someone who doesn’t get his way. Often he takes his cues from “the Church” world, aka, in some cases, ignorant people. Trump is a loyal person, and in a business setting, loyalty has its place.

Trump recently rewarded the loyalty of his good friend Roger Stone by granting him clemency in July.

As the leader of the free world, it could be very problematic.

Often Trump reminds you of a bull in a china shop, reacting to something instead of thinking it over first, then merely responding.

Before The White House, Trump worked seven days a week and played golf often.

Trump has led a relatively sheltered life but knows his business. He is an excellent negotiator, that is what is needed in America to get us out of some of the bad deals previous administrations have made.

Much of his frustration comes from not having the authority as President to do what needs doing. Donald is President of the United States, and he resigned CEO of the Trump Organization. In his own company, what he said went.

Recently attempting to extend unemployment benefits, which he doesn’t have the authority to do; he was frustrated because Pelosi and Schumer had tried and were attempting again to pad the bill with benefits for Planned Parenthood; abortion funding in a Covid-19 benefits package?

Trump and the Apprentice

The first exposure for many American’s and the world to Trump before he was the 45Th President was through his reality show “The Apprentice.”

Created by Mark Burnett of Survivor, Burnett asked Trump to head up his next show about a businessman who would award a one year contract with one of his companies and $250,000 to the contestant who could do the best job accomplishing multiple tasks on the reality show.

Trump appeared at the beginning of the show to explain to the contestants:

what their task was going to be

checking progress during the show

then the boardrooms towards the end of the show, where he famously said, “You’re Fired” to at least one contestant.

Early on, two of Trump’s assistants or close advisors would sit on either side of him as the boardroom discussions got underway.

Eventually, two of Trump’s children, Donald Jr., Ivanka, or Eric, would sit in those seats.

Most Americans had little exposure to Trump than heard about him occasionally in the news about one of his divorces or one of his many building projects.

“The Donald,” as some call Him, has a larger than life personality, and he is a successful real estate developer.

I have never met Mr. Trump but have been an observer much of my life, and these are the conclusions I have reached about “The Donald.” To understand anyone, it helps to know where they came from, the beliefs they have, and where those beliefs originated.

Norman Vincent Peale meets Donald John Trump

When Donald was a boy, he and his family attended Norman Vincent Peale’s church. Mr. Peale is the man who wrote “The Power of Positive Thinking.” 

The modern-day Peale is probably Joel Osteen, who wrote a book several years ago called “The Power of I Am.”

Today and shortly after Trump was elected, many in the media often say he is lying about something he has said.

To understand where Trump is coming from, you must understand this.

Trump speaks forth how he wants things to be

In the Bible, in the book of Genesis, God called things into being, the creative process. God gave Humankind mental abilities, and God intends us to create the way he does, using our words.

 A man named Bob Proctor and a woman named Mary Morrissey created a program called Magic In Your Mind that teaches us how to use these six mental faculties God gave us: Imagination, Intuition, Perception, Will, Reasoning, and Memory. Since school taught us little to nothing about these gifts, you might check this program out. Intuition is our ability to talk to God. Prayer is when we speak to God. Click here to learn more about this program.

Donald Trump does this, better than any person alive today that I have seen. Trump is calling things that be not as though they are. Trump is speaking forth what he wants to have come to pass, whether negotiating a new trade deal, meeting with a world leader or whatever the task before him is; he does the same thing when talking about one of his buildings and how it’s selling.

Peale understood the power of a positive confession.

Why would you call for things to fail? Even though this is what many in Washington believe he is doing, you don’t change a situation by continuing to look at the same circumstance you need to focus on what you want to have happened.

God created Humankind to operate this way. It does not matter whether you believe in God or not. Every human being is a spiritual being, and we are all connected to the one who created us.

Trump the celebrity

In many ways, Trump has the same kind of life many celebrities have; he’s always had people around him run interference for him or insulate him from the masses of people.

Many celebrities have agents, managers, publicists, attorneys, security, and other assistants around them. Getting to the average star takes you having to go through a lot of other people first. Even on social media, where celebrities have millions of followers, it is unlikely they will see one specific message; it would have to be unique somehow. When a star goes to an awards show or is walking the red carpet, it is often the handler’s around them that decide who gets to interview them and when to keep walking.

Trump has been the CEO, and he is not used to having to report to anyone. Daily reporting to congress, the senate, and the American Public is a new experience for him, and it has taken him some time to get used to it.

Trump is the owner of his company, and what he says goes.

Trump has the money to hire the best attorneys and advisors to guide him in his decision-making concerning his real estate empire.

It has taken Trump almost four years to find people in Washington he can trust and surround himself. Washington is a whole new way of doing business for Trump, that is what he needed Pence for, to guide him and show him how this new “business” of government worked.

Once Trump settled into Washington, his family has stayed out of the headlines and focused on running the family business.

Part of the trouble is that Trump is obeying and sticking to our Constitution, and the Democrats are violating it regularly.

Trumps Business Dealings

There has been much reporting on his dealings, both good and bad. Real estate developers and any other businesses, for that matter, get tax breaks from a city or state when building a building or whatever their project is, especially if there are going to be different stores within the building providing jobs to hundreds or thousands of people. Wal-Mart gets tax breaks when it builds its stores.

One of the reasons I initially voted for Trump is the relationship he has with his children. are healthy, vibrant, successful people themselves, and three of the five work for him in the family business. I think that says a lot about a person when their children want to be around them and work with them.

A Present from Wuhan

In our current election cycle, many things have been happening. At the start of 2020, our economy was still quite strong. Then in late January, reports from Washington State about a mysterious new virus that came from Wuhan, China.

The international community either banned or limited flights to and from China once the virus became known. Trump followed.

Biden has come out now and said wearing a mask should be mandatory.

1. Why has it taken the Democrats six months to say anything about Covid-19?

2. America is a free country – you cannot make people wear a mask. Businesses can and are refusing service to people who are not wearing masks. Wal-Mart came out in July, and you must be wearing a mask to enter their stores similar to signs that say no shirt, no shoes, no service. What’s the big deal?

3. I live in Texas. Tell us what the CDC guidelines then allow us to make that decision for ourselves and our children. Please don’t tell us what we ought to do.

4. I wear a mask at the grocery store, and anytime I am indoors around people I do not know. I am less concerned while walking my dog outside.

5. Upon entering any of the clinics, doctor’s offices, or hospitals in town, your temperature will be taken, asked a variety of questions, and wearing a mask is mandatory to gain entrance into the building.

6. Assuming that you could make it compulsory, how are you going to enforce it? And what is the penalty for not wearing it? I’m not sure Mr. Biden is aware that many jails are releasing people because Covid-19 is spreading there.

Trump has had some missteps during this crisis. I think he should have been wearing his mask a lot more, but others in government offices, house members, and senate members were not wearing masks regularly until a few weeks ago. The message many may have gotten is maybe we didn’t need them.

However, going back to what Trump learned from Peale, Trump also understands that what we focus on with a lot of intense emotion, we attract, so I know that he does not want to draw that to himself or America. However, most church-going people do not have an understanding of most things that our President has.

Gloves, masks, and toilet paper are hard to find. I went to a Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market last week, and it was the first time in four months the toilet paper aisle was full, and there were pallets of products throughout the store.

What causes this to be such a problem is everyone in other countries is also in need of the same products.

I can’t help but ask. Is it possible that when the Obama administration messed with the healthcare system, early warning signals got removed due to people not understanding? I have not been able to find out anything about this, just saying! This article contains many of the things that allegedly happened under Obama.

Michelle Obama recently said, this President was ill-equipped to handle this crisis; that there should have been a plan to handle this kind of situation.

Isn’t this what the  CDC or a previous administration should already have had in place?.

SARS and MERS didn’t cause the same devastation that COVID-19 has because they aren’t as quickly transmitted. Rather than moving by casual, person-to-person transmission, SARS and MERS spread from much closer contact, between family members or health care workers and patients (or, in the case of MERS, from camels to people directly). These viruses also aren’t spread through presymptomatic transmission, meaning infected people don’t spread it before they have symptoms. Once people got sick, they typically stayed home or were hospitalized, making it harder for them to spread the virus around.

I agree Obama is right but is it Trump’s failure or our whole system failure. No one at the CDC seemed to have a preemptive plan for a future SARS or MERS. It might not have occurred to anyone at WHO or CDC, but keep in mind coronavirus mutated, so could anyone have seen this coming?

I agree that we should have been more prepared, but is that Trump’s neglect or our systems?

I say again, is it possible there was an early warning system or possible plan in place, in case this came to America?

Remember 911

In 1993 terrorists exploded a bomb in the World Trade Center’s parking garage, which was supposed to cause the North tower to fall into the South tower, so should we have been looking for something to happen in the future?

Clearly, we weren’t!

I cannot name any other time when anyone has intentionally flown an airplane into a building. Until 911, I don’t know if anyone had ever thought of that other than the people who did it!

My belief is America should already have had a plan in place for such an event as this.

I’m not sure which government branch would have done the planning.

In this case, probably the CDC.

In the case of 911, Homeland Security!

Crisis Creating Democrats

I do not know how the democrats would be handling this crisis. So far, I have not heard any of them, ANY OF THEM, until recently, say a word about how they would be doing things (see number 1 above). I don’t even want to imagine what Hillary Clinton might have done.

I find it appalling that many cities in our nation, as of this writing, are having an absolute meltdown with various groups protesting in their towns. I find that government leaders in these cities are doing nothing about this, merely stepping back and allowing it to happen; it betrays their voters’ trust and their Oaths of Office, all of them took swearing to uphold the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, along with the laws of their cities and states.

I will address some of my views about this in a future article.

Interestingly, we heard about all the chaos in cities for weeks, but nothing in the last two weeks.

Biden and the election are today’s focus.

Since these are democratically run cities, is it possible if and when Biden is elected, the fighting and chaos will just somehow come to an end?

Many in the Democratic Party are doing their best to turn America into their version of a new Socialist country. In socialism, the government makes most decisions without input from the people; healthcare decisions are made for you—no need to vote anymore. Dinesh O’Souza discussed this in his book, the United States of Socialism No country has been able to make this work successfully for very long.

If you are a citizen and want America to pay for everything, get ready to pay 40% + in taxes, and that’s just on the lower income brackets! Everyone will pay more!.

How would a country without law enforcement look?

Who would you call instead?

Trump is a Bully!

America was the world’s bully long before Trump came along!

Trump recently lost his younger brother, Robert Trump, and has admitted bullying him when they were younger.

Trump likes to bully and pick on other people but does not like it done to him. Most bullies are cowards when confronted.

In the Trump organization, Robert Trump (The ‘nice’ Trump) was the person people went to when they had a problem.

As far as his use of social media, isn’t everybody using social media today? Isn’t this how people communicate today. Twitter allows Trump to instantly connect with and talk to his base and the whole country.

It is easier for me now to understand why Hillary Clinton was using email. That’s just been a few years ago when everyone was upset by that. Don’t we all do that?

I thought being from New York Trump’s skin would be thicker!

I was disappointed he removed America from the Paris Climate Agreement only two years after Obama had entered us into it.

In closing,

I have decided that Yes, Trump appears to be a bigot, a racist in some cases, and along with Pence a homophobe.

Trump, along with VP Pence and the Church world, believe Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender-Queer people woke up one day and decided to be gay.

Have they ever thought about how stupid that is?

Why would anybody choose to be gay?

I didn’t choose to be gay. God created me that way. The church simply does not understand God or his word. Romans 1 is talking about heterosexual people!

Jesus Christ told his followers if they loved him, they would obey him. The church today is not listening. That means  Christians today are false unbelieving believers who defy their Lord’s commands.

There are a lot of stupid and ignorant people in America. Now I can add Trump to this list.

However, Trump has gotten a lot of good done. Imagine all the good he can do in four more years.

Trump needs four more years. There are still trade deals that need renegotiating, and that’s who he is.

Do I vote for the bigot and homophobe who’s done some good things or the person who wants to implement socialism in America?

What to do, what to do?

Until Next Time,


Here is a list of 125 things Trump has accomplished.

Here are the first ten:

Trump recently signed three bills to benefit Native people. One gives compensation to the Spokane tribe for loss of their lands in the mid-1900s, one funds Native language programs, and the third gives federal recognition to the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians in Montana.

Trump finalized the creation of the Space Force as our 6th Military branch.

Trump signed a law to make cruelty to animals a federal felony so that animal abusers face harsher consequences.

Violent crime has fallen every year he’s been in office after rising during the two years before he was elected.

Trump signed a bill making CBD and Hemp legal.

Trump’s EPA gave $100 million to fix the water infrastructure problem in Flint, Michigan.

 Under Trump’s leadership, in 2018, the U.S. surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world’s largest producer of crude oil.

Trump signed a law ending the gag orders on pharmacists that prevented them from sharing money-saving information.

Trump signed the “Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act” (FOSTA), which includes the “Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act” (SESTA), which both give law enforcement and victims new tools to fight sex trafficking.

Trump signed a bill to require airports to provide spaces for breastfeeding moms.

Maybe in 2024, another businessperson with a smaller ego will run and win the presidency. Perhaps he or she will have better leadership abilities and be better at uniting than the current President.

I may earn an affiliate commission if you purchase something through links in this article.

Why is America such a violent place?

What is the effect in America of all the abortions performed on our soil in the last 100 years? All the Indians that our government killed on what was at one time their land?

Why am I even answering such a question, you might ask? It’s time someone did.

America has a history of wars on its shores – The Civil War, The War of 1812, The American Revolutionary War, WW1, WW2, The Mexican-American War, The French, and Indian Wars, to name a few. All of these happened here or were concerning land that would eventually become part of our county.

The answer, in Bible terms, we are reaping what we’ve been sowing.

Just like an individual, a nation can only reap what it sows.


In the Holy Bible there is a time to sow; then some amount of time that must pass; then it’s time to harvest. Looking at violence in America this concept is working very well.

In the ’50s, variety shows and comedies took up most of the television time; stars used to do on-air commercial endorsements of products. But there were also shows with gun violence.

60’s Television consisted of westerns, mystery shows, emergency programs, family shows, and the introduction of police-related dramas.  

The 1970s through today, the violence has escalated more and more each year as has the violence at the movie theater.

In June of 1984, the MPAA introduced a new rating – PG-13 for the movie ‘Red Dawn.’ Up to that time, there were only four ratings possible G, PG, R, and NR. In 1990, for movies with excessive sex or violence, NC-17 was created.

Look at all the TV shows with the word murder in their titles. Look at all the crime shows that examine how the crime was committed, by whom, and how. America is a country obsessed with violence and how to kill.

What about video games? I can still remember the “Gun Slinger” game that came with my Atari system. Today shooting, decapitating, and stabbing are all popular options as a way to kill your opponent and win the game. There are even game controllers in the shape of guns for some games. Hello People! Is anyone listening?

Ever been to a carnival or the fair? There are shooting games there too where you can win a prize of some kind. Again, rewards for killing.

Mass Shootings and Shooters

How do we reward the shooters in these mass shootings we are having in America, we make them famous. It’s an even bigger rush for the ones who survive, seeing themselves on TV while they’re in jail. Many of these killers even have groupies like they were rock stars or something.

In an article posted in 2017, author Nicola Leach says, “What these findings suggest is that mass shootings are a kind of theater. Their purpose is essentially terrorism—minus, in most cases, a political agenda. The public spectacle, the mass slaughter of mostly random victims, is meant to be seen as an attack against society itself. Often these individuals commit suicide, which denies the course of justice, giving the shooter ultimate and final control.

Some of these people who kill are sadists who enjoy killing and are smiling while they kill.

In their innocent form, a sadist could be a talk or game-show host. America has both; In the afternoon, she has a talk-show that’s been on for 17 years, and a game show that airs in prime-time now in its third season. In January 2020, this comedienne received a lifetime achievement award for all the good things she has done for others through the years. On both her shows, she seems to get a lot of pleasure inflicting pain on guests, including celebrities or contestants, almost always having a smile on her face while sticking it to people, even punishing people who won their task simply because it is in her power to do so. (Out of concern of being sued, I believe Americans can figure out who this is.)

The point of all this is America. You’ve been watching this person for 17+ years. It must mean there are many sadists in America. Why else would people continue to tune in? I doubt it’s to see her dance!

Could this be why people are so mean on social media or just in general in our country?

I’ve heard interviews done with survivors of some of these shootings who’ve said that while the gunman was shooting, they noticed he had a smile on his face. Some of these killers are paying people back for the bullying they may have received or some other injustice they believe they have suffered at the hands of others.

In a James Bond movie I watched several years ago, the female villain had a smile on her face while she was gunning people down; it was like an orgasm for her.

Sports with Weapons

Sports are some of the most violent things on Television, and they have no rating other than suitable for most viewers. Hockey games are famous for their on-ice hockey stick fights, fans almost expect it. What does this say about us?

Parents are starting fights with referees at their children’s games or with other parents because they didn’t like a particular call that wasn’t in their child’s favor.

Do I expect American’s to give up all these things? No! But it does answer a question, and maybe it will cause people to think about things differently. If our world is going to become a more peaceful place, now, we have an understanding of what it will take to accomplish that.

Can America Change?

Is it possible for America to change?  Yes! But it would require an entire shift in how we entertain ourselves. It would require media companies to find a new way to stay in business. If we produced more comedies and dramas without excessive violence, it might succeed.

It would require us to change the kinds of toys boys play with. Boys typically play with guns and knives. Girls dolls and make-up.

It would require a complete shift in how things currently operate not just in America, but in our world. It would produce a world filled with peace and harmony.  Apparently that is not what we want, so killing will continue until people become more aware and decide to make the changes necessary to bring about these kinds of changes.

America has accepted these killings as a normal part of life. It is the choice we have made, so it will, it must continue, until a more aware generation arrives.