Gyms, Motivation and James Clear

I have joined many gyms in my life, like I am sure many of my readers have also done through the years. I joined one last summer – Oh they made me all kinds of promises, in writing no less. We are going to be calling you if you are not coming.  I went three times, then had a personal crisis with my 82 Y.O. mother and got out of habit and it was over before it began.  I didn’t hear from the gym for three months.  No one was paying any attention!

I would like to go to a gym that would actually do what they say they’re going to. I don’t need someone to hold my hand, but, sometimes just getting myself through the door is a victory.

People in our country avoid fat people, like we have some sort of disease or something. I am a person, I have feelings.

So I have been getting once a week blog posts from a guy named James Clear at, his blog focuses on habits, goals, motivation, procrastination, that kind of thing and he occasionally talks about his own exercise practices and offers advice on how you can get into a routine.  Take baby steps. Don’t try to do too much, especially if you are starting from scratch – attempting to do too much too soon will result in failure.

He is into weight-lifting and talks sometimes about how sometimes people try to go from lifting 50 lbs. then 75lbs. then 100lbs. and how people often fail, hurt themselves or just simply give up.  What he suggests instead is to add one pound a week and then in a year you could go from 50lbs. to 102 lbs. so you’d double how much you started the year with.